About Us

Last Updated: July 7, 2024By

We are the fastest-growing African Literature Publisher and Printer. We pride ourselves in providing a universal chance & platform for every writer to tell their original story and reach the right audience on time.

“We are the ultimate writer’s guide”



To empower African voices and narratives through providing a platform for storytelling, extensive research and knowledge dissemination across and beyond the African continent.



To emerge as a leading space for the renaissance of Africa’s literature and intellectual platform by cultivating a thriving ecosystem for authors, readers and open-minded thinkers across Africa and beyond.



Discovering, nurturing and amplifying African voices through sophisticated publishing solutions that foster talent, enhance literature and cultivate partnerships across and beyond Africa.


Our Services

Book Publishing

We are a dedicated book publishing house poised to revive a reading culture and promote diverse African Cultural heritage through professional book/journal/magazine publishing services, extensive research, storytelling and offering a reliable and robust platform for writers to have.

Our book publishing services offer a Full-publishing package: Editorial services, layout and cover design services, ISBN & copyright application services, Print-on-demand & bulk production services, marketing & sales services, consultancy, and research amongst other emerging solutions due to the dynamics of technology.


Printing Services

We offer all-around reliable, professional and timely book printing services that cater for all types of binding services and customized needs. Our printing system encompasses both b/w and full-colour printing services.


Design Services

We believe in the power of visibility and therefore we have positioned our team to offer ever-changing professional design services to ensure we meet the needs of the target audience while at the same time maintaining professionalism.


We offer full solutions to all the design needs in the field of the publishing industry.


ISBN & Copyright

We help authors to conveniently and effectively apply for international standard book numbers and copyrights.


Marketing and Sales 

We market and sell our products across the African continent and beyond through physical and digital means.


Consultancy Services

We offer professional consultancy services revolving around book publishing and Literature as a whole for holistic growth, prosperity and posterity.


Our projects

We run several projects that revolve around reviving and promoting African Literature. We believe literature is a spoken, written, acted or performed art whose main media is words that can be modified, improvised and poised to magnify social vices and discourage them, encourage goomoralsal and reinforce them.

To achieve these aims, we run different projects that include but are not limited to: African Ink Media, African Ink Art Gallery, African Ink Literary Magazine, African Ink Academy, African Ink Think Tank, Tekademy and, The African Ink Aspiring Author Awards.


Get in touch 

Call: +254768928383/+254715654842

Email: africaninkke@gmail.com

or info@africaninkpublishers.com


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