By Jane Wangeci
“Man is like a breath; his days are like a passing shadow”. Psalms 144:4.
Life is a journey—from conception to the last breath. Along the journey, man encounters challenges, successes, delays, and achievements. Inspired by this reality, the 40 days of a silent walk help us re-discover the power that is beyond our challenges or successes. With God holding our hands, we can surely overcome and finish the race in his intended will.
Meditations from this book are inspired by Biblical texts from Job, Joel and Micah. (From the Good News Bible and the English Standard Version). By faith, the greatest fears in our lives are levelled and we successfully swim through the deep waters.
This book is not for everyone. It is for anyone who feels that they need grace to keep going, anyone who feels like they are in a storm that they need to overcome, and any person who believes in happily ever after moments. Tough times don’t last, but tough people do.
You are invited to meditate, pray and praise with the author. May the grace of God carry you through, may He lift your burdens off your shoulders and carry you through to His intended destination.
ISBN: 978-9914-9824-1-1
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